शुक्रवार, अक्तूबर 24, 2014

Twitter has added a phone to your account

Twitter has added a phone to your account
Thanks for adding your mobile phone to your Twitter account. We've got (+919096752953) for @2k1ILKJ351xXvL7
Here are some new things you can do with Twitter on your mobile phone.
Follow interesting people.
Text "FOLLOW @twitter" to to follow your first account. Or follow someone else you find interesting. Go to Twitter commands to learn about all the other ways to use Twitter text messaging.
Get notifications.
Things are happening right now on Twitter and you should know about them. Customize your notification settings to stay current.
Reset your password.
Forgot your password? It happens. Twitter can send a password reset code so you can update your password quickly and securely via text message from wherever you are. Visit Twitter support for details.
If you didn't add your mobile phone to your account, please update your account.
Thanks for joining!
The Twitter Team

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